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Processing for your Brand

Vials and Cartridges of our finest extraction: High Terpene Full Spectrum Extract

High Cannabinoid Full Spectrum Extract, a single source, dabbable.

5150ies OTR
Diamonds and HTFSE
Returns can be tricky; growers do a tremendous amount of work and it's tough to know what the end result could be, even with the best material. So we provide you with a minimum financial guarantee based on your own current material prices. Our returns are fully packaged HTFSE, HCFSE or 5150ies OTR.
If you would like bulk returns or returns of a different product, please reach out to us via email:
Based on the costs of the material you provide, this calculator will determine the minimum number of grams you will receive as returns. You may receive more, depending on the outcome, but are guaranteed a minimum return amount. These numbers are based on fully packaged items, completed with your company branding.
We've got an in-house design team that can work with your brand assets to develop packaging outcomes that fit both your needs and the needs of the dispensary.
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